Sunday, December 30, 2012

Waikiki Sunrise 12/30/2012 over Diamond Head

Waikiki Sunrise 12/30/2012 over Diamond Head (video)

Cloudy and raining this morning in Waikiki, that's great! Diamond Head is usually green this time of year but not this time around. It is very dry and we need more rain. Of course very little rain means great days for the beach and spectacular views. If you look closely you can see the hikers on top of Diamond Head taking photos of Waikiki. I can see the photographers hiking Diamond Head every day easily from my lanai but they usually don't show up on the time lapse. Have a great day! ALOHA

Did you know Time Warner may be charging a "lease fee" for your cable modem? They are doing it in my area. Check your bill.......

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Around Waikiki 12/30/2012 on Waikiki Beach

I had a nice walk on the beach this morning in Waikiki. If you click on the link above you can watch the 5 minute slide show I put together. There is a little audio in there too so you can listen to the waves. There is still some vog lingering around O'ahu and creating some really nice sunsets. The air is getting a little cooler and almost seems like "winter"? I heard on the radio this morning about being careful not to pile up snow against the foundation. Not much trouble with that around here. The temperature now is 75 Fahrenheit here in Honolulu, it's also 75 degrees in Hilo roght now. The air is pretty clear, great time for a stay in Waikiki